Peace Be Unto You
January 9, 2011
You are free. Almost.
Actually, as a society, we are not free. The Constitution is a
technicality, because we are ruled by corporations, who (yes, they
insist that they are persons) act as though they have no
responsibilities to you at all: you, but not they, are bound by
contracts. We are their slaves.
My recent experience with this was an attempt to refinance a mortgage
with Bank of America, regarding which I will say little, since you are
not reading this website to hear me complain. Since I have a perfect
payment history, and since it was not a new property, the bank quickly
pre-approved the loan. Then it quickly became what might have been a
nightmare. They transferred my loan to a succession of five different
people, and at each transition they misplaced paperwork which I
dutifully re-sent. And they kept changing the arrangements on which we
had agreed. I said this might have been a nightmare, but I had an
option that kept it from being so. I have an existing mortgage, and
there is nothing actually wrong with it. I could, and did, simply
cancel the refinance process. I only wish I had checked online before I
had applied for the refinance loan, and seen the prodigious number of
consumer complaints about Bank of America. Bank of America is competent
at just two things: taking taxpayer bailout money, and compensating
their CEO. In fairness I will add that B of A repaid their $45 billion
TARP loan.
My solution will work for you too, at least sometimes. Just say no. It
is nearly unpatriotic to say this, but the most important thing we can
do is to not buy things, whether mortgages or snack foods. Even though
we are their slaves when we do business with them, corporations have
not yet figured a way to force us to do business with them. What do you
do when airlines treat passengers like cattle? Don't travel anywhere by
plane. Incidentally, consuming less is probably the best thing we can
do to reduce our carbon footprints. Mortgages do not necessarily
increase one's carbon footprint, but if enough people deny them
business, maybe they will close some of their offices and turn off the
Of course we cannot buy nothing, but we can minimize what we buy, and
thus our entanglement with the toxic and evil world of business.
Business is not always toxic, but you can limit your purchases to
corporations with proven reliability. As an author, it is in my
interest to tell you to keep buying books, but I will admit that the
public library is the better option in most cases. And you may discover
that there are many beautiful and rewarding things around you that are
free, not just books but time spent in the natural world. In this way,
buying as little as possible can lead to what could be called a
spiritual peace -- peace be unto you.
Do Republican Leaders Hate God's
January 16, 2011
The leadership of the Republican Party has moved from simply
disregarding environmental issues to openly hating God's good green
Earth. Below are some recent examples.
First, the incoming Republican House of Representatives will do away
with the Congressional committee on energy independence. They want us
to continue our utter dependence on fossil fuels, most of which will
continue to be imported from dangerous parts of the world no matter how
much drill-baby-drilling occurs here.
Second, consider the story of South Carolina Republican congressman Bob
Inglis. Part of his campaign (which he told about on his Science Friday interview
on December 3) was to talk about the reality of global warming. He
talked about the stewardship of the natural resources God has given us
as if it were a new idea, and maybe in South Carolina it is. Mr. Inglis
attributed his defeat in the Republican primary to his concern about
God's creation. As a Republican, Mr. Inglis takes a capitalistic
approach to understanding the Earth. But he says that pollution from
the burning of coal produces a measurable increase in sickness and
death, which is not reflected in the price of electricity. Federal and
state governments socialistically pay for the sickness and death that
result from utility profits. He also said that energy efficiency and
alternative energy sources are the reality of the future; the United
States is in pause, while China is in fast forward, on the development
of new energy technology. Our free-market economy needs environmental
responsibility. Well, that kind of talk got him voted out pretty fast
by his fellow Republicans.
Third, Brigadier General Steven Anderson (retired) and the Secretary of
the Navy Ray Mabus were also interviewed
on Science Friday on December 3. The military, they pointed out, is
very inefficient in its use of energy, e.g. fuel used to run generators
for air conditioning in Iraq and Afghanistan. Their field camp
facilities have no insulation. The fuel for running field generators
costs $400 a gallon, mainly because it must be trucked in for weeks
(that's what the man said, "weeks") over donkey tracks through the
mountains in convoys which require military escort. In contrast, fuel
efficiency means using less fuel which means having smaller or less
frequent convoys of fuel trucks. General Anderson's plan to increase
field camp fuel efficiency would cost $1 million (with an m) and save
$1 billion (with a b). But that isn't the best of it. For every couple
of dozen fuel trucks in a convoy, a soldier gets killed. Fuel
efficiency would save American soldiers' lives. But his plan has not
been implemented. Apparently the desire to waste energy, perhaps as a
way of pretending to be macho, is so pervasive that it is worth having
our soldiers die for it (this is my inference, not anything the
generals said).
Navy Secretary Mabus pointed out that one of their large ships is
powered by hybrid technology, and when it made its maiden voyage from
Mississippi (where it was built) to San Diego, it saved $2 million in
fuel costs. Yes, that's just million with an "m," but that is also just
one trip for one ship. Think what it would add up to if fully
implemented in the Navy! He further pointed out that the military,
because it purchases so much (military expenditures dwarf everything
else in the federal budget except entitlements and interest on the
debt), can create a market for energy conservation technology, thus
bringing the prices down for that technology for everyone. But the
Congressional Republicans, who think they know more about the military
than the generals do, will never permit this.
The generals were talking about saving money and lives right now by
military fuel efficiency. This does not even get into the money and
lives that will be lost when we have to deal with international
disruption caused by climate instability that we are primarily causing.
What's up with these Republican congressmen who want to take American
tax dollars and the lives of American soldiers in order to
socialistically subsidize the wasteful use of fossil fuels?
A Christian View of Creation
January 23, 2011
There are many Christians today who view the natural world as God's
glorious creation, worthy of protection from human plundering.
Unfortunately, this view seems rare in Oklahoma. I want to tell you a
story about a much more common view in my home state.
I recently got a water heater installed, and I had to listen to the two
plumbers preaching at me during the installation. It was a lecture, not
a discussion; they frequently prefaced their statements with "I don't
know what other people think, but here's what I think." Then they would
tell me Biblical things that may or may not actually be in the Bible.
Somehow we got to talking about trees, particularly the largest ones
such as the giant sequoia trees in California. One of them told me
exactly what would go through his mind as he stood at the base of a
giant sequoia. He said that his mind would be calculating the number of
board feet of timber in the tree and how much he could sell it for.
That, to him, was the major inspiration stirred in his heart by the
tree. Many other Christians have thought that large trees were
wonderful expressions of God's greatness. But not so for Oklahoma
I could have told him something of practical value: not just how
awe-inspiring sequoia trees are, but how much financial benefit that
living trees provide for us. As I have often said in my blog and website entries,
trees put oxygen in the air, remove carbon from the air, prevent floods
and mudslides, build up the soil and allow water to percolate into the
soil. That's just a start. I've written a whole book, Green
Planet, about it. Of course I did not say this to him, because he
had proceeded on with a story about how fast he could cut down a big
sycamore tree like the one in my back yard, and then went on to tell me
how much God hated President Obama's health care plan.
And then he was done. At least he did not charge me extra for the time
he spent preaching at me.
Biodiversity, Part One
January 29, 2011
The following is the first part of the introduction to my new Encyclopedia
Biodiversity, to be published in 2011 by Facts on File.
The human species was born into a world of unknowable natural
diversity. Each tribe of humans was aware that they were surrounded by
uncountable kinds of plants and animals, which they studied and
revered, and that they were one of the animal species. Tribal peoples
knew (and a few still know) hundreds of types of plants and animals.
They use them for everything from food to medicine. They also believed
that wild species have something to tell us: tribal lore is full of
stories about animals imparting wisdom to humans. The Cro-Magnon people
painted startlingly realistic depictions of them in their caves thirty
thousand years ago. The division between deities and creatures was
unclear. Humans felt connected to all the species that they could see
and to those that they could not.
Some of this feeling of connectedness was lost with the advent of
monotheism. Monotheistic religions did not merely claim that there was
only one God, but that this God had a chosen people and that God made
those chosen people masters of a world made for them. All other species
were meant to serve human needs.
But even with these new beliefs, humans continued to be aware that they
were just one species among many, and that these other species had
their own dwelling-place and their own value completely apart from
human utility. In Genesis 1, the first chapter of the Hebrew scripture,
humans appear only on the second half of the last day of creation,
having to share that day with "cattle and creeping things." In the book
of Job, one of the most astonishing pieces of western literature, the
voice of God from the whirlwind describes to the trembling Job a world
filled with rain that waters the soil and makes grass grow even in
lands where people do not live, a world in which animals -- some of
them, like Leviathan and Behemoth, frightening and disgusting -- live
their own lives with utter indifference to humans. And such a world was
exactly the way it should be. The world was not somehow unfinished
because these wild animals and the grasses of the wilderness were
Although most ancient scholars focused their attention on matters
unconnected with the natural world, there were always a few who looked
to the natural world and its diversity of species for inspiration.
According to Hebrew historical tradition, King Solomon gave lectures
about plants and animals, even some as easily overlooked as "the hyssop
that grows out of the wall." Later, the famous religious leader Jesus
of Nazareth, invited his listeners to behold the lilies of the field,
not just to glance at them, and to notice that even a single flower
contained more glory than even the greatest human kingdom.
Biodiversity, Part Two
February 6, 2011
The following is the first part of the introduction to my new Encyclopedia
Biodiversity, to be published in 2011 by Facts on File.
During the Middle Ages of Europe, some scholars continued to write
about the diversity of species, even though much of their information
was based on tradition rather than observation. Each plant had a
different function; one could not substitute for another. With the
European age of exploration came the discovery of many previously
unknown plants and animals from around the world. Europeans also
encountered human diversity, represented by tribal peoples who were
routinely enslaved and slaughtered. Tribal peoples had a converse
experience, as Europeans carried many of them to new locations. People
everywhere became aware that most of the world was different from their
native countries, and was inhabited by unfamiliar species.
This onslaught of discovery ushered in an intellectual crisis. How
could European scholars keep track of all of this plant and animal
diversity? The Swedish botanist Carl Linne came up with a system of
organizing species into nested hierarchies, species comprising genera,
which comprised families, and so on. As European naturalists looked
more closely, they kept finding more species, especially of insects,
even in their home countries. They held the position, now considered
ridiculous, that God made each of these species separately at the
beginning of creation. Humans did not consider the possibility that
they might be able to control this diversity, or to eliminate part of
it. Nature was limitless in its "productions." At the time that German
painter Albrecht Durer painted The Great
Piece of Turf people just assumed that a lawn would have many
species, including grasses, dandelions, and plantains. Diversity is
just the way the world was. This could be considered the first age of
the modern human encounter with biodiversity.
The second age of modern human encounter with biodiversity began with
the development of science and industry. Science did two things for the
human understanding of biodiversity. First, the invention of ever
better microscopes revealed that there was yet another dimension of
biodiversity, in the microscopic world, much of it in the water that we
drank. Second, the discovery of evolution showed us where this
diversity of species came from. Charles Darwin's Origin of Species
is the most important book ever written for our understanding of the
natural world. He introduced natural selection as the explanation for
how evolution occurred, how species changed and diversified.
The scientific world view showed us a world governed by general laws.
But it also showed us that we could get more from the Earth (whether
agricultural products, or minerals, or labor) by eliminating
inefficiency; much of the diversity of nature was considered part of
that inefficiency. A stockyard was no longer a place that was safe for
runts. And with each advance in the use of energy, from wind to coal to
oil, we imposed order upon the Earth, bringing its diversity under ever
greater control. Farms had once been places of at least some diversity,
each farmer raising a garden and stock animals as well as fields of
cash crops, but by the 20th century they became an industry: a farmer
might raise only one kind of crop, and buy everything else. The
diversity of microbes was something to wipe out by the use of medicine.
This was also the time when lawns became uniform: one kind of grass, a
monoculture maintained by the application of chemicals.
Humans became a force of nature by actually causing extinctions, such
as that of the passenger pigeon, and by devastating our local
environments through pollution and soil erosion. Biodiversity began to
be a victim of the human homogenization of the Earth. Biologist Rachel
Carson, one of the founders of environmental science and environmental
awareness, wrote the second most important book in our understanding of
the natural world, Silent Spring, in 1962. She said, "Nature
has introduced great diversity into the landscape. Man has shown a
passion for simplifying it." Once we had considered nature to be
unconquerable, but we were now destroying its building blocks, the
uncounted wild species. There never was a golden age -- even primitive
peoples caused large-scale extinctions at the end of the Pleistocene
epoch -- but now the devastation of nature had become the exclusive
mode by which the human economy operated. Then, beyond even this,
humans gained the ability to alter the entire functioning of the Earth.
As science writer Bill McKibben pointed out in The End of Nature,
once been able only to cause local extinctions and
environmental devastations, but our massive burning of fossil fuels put
so much carbon dioxide into the air that we were altering the climate
of the entire world.
The third age of modern human encounter with biodiversity began when
many people started to become alarmed at its loss. Scientists
discovered that they had difficulty even estimating the number of
species, and had no hope of counting them. Thousands of species are
becoming extinct before we even know what they are. At the same time,
the Darwinian vision put us back in our place: in prehistoric times we
knew we were a part of nature, and we have learned this again. There
may be ten million species, and all are equally advanced in evolution:
they represent ten million different, and equally effective, ways of
making a living in the world.
Biodiversity, Part Three
February 13, 2011
The following is the first part of the introduction to my new Encyclopedia
Biodiversity, to be published in 2011 by Facts on File.
Not everyone shares concern over the loss of biodiversity. In the
United States, over half of the people reject the Darwinian explanation
for where species come from, and many reject the Carsonian idea that
these species are important enough to save. But many people now realize
what scientists have long said that germs won't go away when medicine
is applied, they just evolve into a new form, and that the loss of
species diversity would endanger the operation of the living planet
which consisted largely of them. People are beginning to realize that
the forces of environmental destruction and extinction are nearly
unstoppable, and that we need all of our scientific knowledge and our
political will to try to stop these forces.
But we cannot let scientists and political leaders do all the work. If
the people of the world do not demand that biodiversity be saved, the
efforts of scientific and political leaders will be too little and too
late. Scientific information about the species of the Earth and what
they do individually and as a system is a necessary part of every
citizen's understanding of the world. Many science magazines and
websites and books are now available to let everybody know about the
tremendous and tremendously important diversity of wild species -- this
book is one contribution. Read anything, read everything, in this book
and others like it, and you will be amazed at the diversity of life and
how important it is. And let the leaders of society know that you
consider the diversity of life and the ecosystems of the Earth to be
important, by the way you vote and the way you spend your money.
Saving biodiversity depends mainly on changing how we feel and how we
spend our time. We need to welcome biodiversity back into our lives.
Perhaps the most important way is for our children to get out into the
natural world and begin to notice its biodiversity. When I see the data
about global warming, I worry about the future; but I worry almost as
much when I see my neighbors driving down the street on a nice spring
day, when fresh leaves have just emerged from the buds, with their
truck windows rolled up and the music blasting -- they are living in an
artificial world.
Biodiversity, Part Four
February 21, 2011
The following is the first part of the introduction to my new Encyclopedia
Biodiversity, to be published in 2011 by Facts on File.
My backyard is at least as diverse as the Durer painting
mentioned in an earlier section:
grass, but also sedges,
dandelions, henbit, deadnettle, chickweed, and oxalis. I sit quietly in
the summer and watch the birds, who think it is their backyard. The
catbird worries more about being chased away by the mockingbird than
about my ownership of the patch of land where it lives. I feel a sense
of contentment that I am doing the right thing, on my tiny piece of
Earth, by allowing these species (even though they are not natives to
my region) to grow. A sense of contentment while sitting in the back
yard is not nearly enough, in this time of crisis, but it is nice to
know that one part of saving biodiversity is as easy as doing nothing.
John Muir, in wandering through the Sierra Nevada, extolled the
cathedral-like beauty of the forest. But it is even more important if
we, instead, take the attitude of the unknown author of Job,
proclaiming the goodness and rightness of wild species living their
lives for their own sake quite apart from whatever opinion we may have
of them.
And the need for personally caring about biodiversity is urgent.
Whatever else we do pales in comparison with habitat destruction and
carbon emissions resulting from human population and technology. The
scale is staggering. The human ecological footprint (that is, the
amount of natural production that is necessary to support human
activities) is 20 percent more than the Earth can support; that is, it
takes fourteen months to regenerate what we humans consume in a year.
And it is primarily the rich inhabitants of America that do this. In
2003, there were 1.8 million cosmetic surgeries and 6.4 million
cosmetic procedures (e.g., Botox injections) in the United States, even
while thousands of Americans had no health insurance and millions of
people around the world had no medical care at all.
Consider the carbon emissions per person in Tanzania over the course of
a year. An average person in the United Kingdom reaches this level by
7:00 pm on January 4 of a typical year. An average American reaches
this level by 4:00 am on January 2. Because Americans use about
one-third of the world resources of energy and raw materials, even
small changes in American consumption would reduce the stress on the
world's ecosystems. For an American to have the thermostat set at, say,
82 degrees F instead of 76 degress F during a heat wave (and partially
compensate for it with ceiling fans) will save more energy, and relieve
the Earth of more stress, than almost anything that a typical Tanzanian
could do. But this will not happen so long as so many people, even in
abundantly-educated America, have almost no idea about what is outside
of their circle of human interactions, and no idea about the many ways
in which their lives depend on the natural world. Humans depend on
nature, and nature depends on biodiversity. A forest with thousands of
species can do many things that a tree plantation cannot do.
Perhaps the best way to promote awareness, in ourselves and others, of
the importance of the natural world is just to get to know it. As David
Brower, who was president of the Sierra Club, said, humans will only
work to save what they love. Is it too much to hope that this
encyclopedia will help you to love the world of nature? It is my hope
that we can begin to see the natural world as glorious, and the human
destruction of it as evil. As Bill McKibben wrote in his
much-overlooked book, The Comforting Whirlwind, "A clear lake
speaks of many and glorious things; a polluted lake speaks only of man."
The Capacity for Evil
March 1, 2011
I have frequently written about the importance of altruism in the
evolution of the human species. We are the most altruistic species that
has ever existed on Earth. We do not have kin selection as strong as
that of bees, but we make up for it with indirect reciprocity, in which
individuals gain social status by being conspicuously generous.
But we are constantly reminded of the dark side of human nature-how
humans can exult in destruction and torture. Under certain
circumstances, such as in Bosnia in the 1990s and Sudan in the 2000s,
this capacity for evil can emerge in an insane fashion. But it is
always there. What we must do is to starve it as much as possible,
occupying our minds with good things.
I saw something recently in rural Oklahoma, where I live. When I was
driving along the highway this past winter, I saw a fence line on which
half a dozen coyotes had been impaled. I stopped to take photos, two of
which I share with you on this website. (Human
1, Human
2.) I hope you find these photos as
deeply disturbing as I do. Now, it may be necessary to cull a coyote
population. But there is no need to put them gruesomely on display. Of
course the coyotes were dead before they were impaled (I think). But
there could be only one reason for doing this: the hunters relished the
fantasy of torturing animals, and wanted to make a proclamation to
anyone who was driving down the highway. And the proclamation is that
they hate God's creation. Many of these rural people are creationists,
but they apparently think that God made animals so that we could enjoy
torturing them. Remember this is the state in which a law against
cockfighting barely passed.
We would like to think that these people who fantasize about animal
torture make an absolute distinction between animals and humans-which
their creationist beliefs tell them to do. But I am not entirely
confident of it. When they get really mad-and the conservative
political movement encourages them to do so as frequently as
possible-they might take thoughtless action and do something that they
would not rationally choose to do. It is conceivable that their rage
might spill over from coyotes to humans; there is historical precedent
for this.
I hope that my fears are excessive (and I do not sit around thinking
about them). But January 31 was the 135th anniversary of the law that
forced all Native Americans onto reservations. It was not long ago when
some of my ancestors were considered to be not very different from
coyotes. For black people, the memory is even more recent. In east
Texas, in 1998, a black man was dragged to death behind a pickup truck.
These same people believe that Jesus will return and usher in a battle
of Armageddon in which millions will be tortured and the earth will
literally run red with blood; one radio evangelist said it would be
literally as deep as the shoulders of horses. The Jesus whom these
people worship is a demon who loves to exult in torture. Of course,
this does not resemble the Jesus of any part of the Bible other than
the book of Revelation, which should be torn out and thrown away. And
of course the Armageddon blood will be human, not coyote, blood. Before
you say it can't happen here, think carefully. I hope that, in fact, it
Evolution has given us a spectrum of options, from altruism at one end
to torture at the other. In my writings, I emphasize the former; but
many creationists in rural Oklahoma seem to focus on the latter.
An essay
one also appeared on my evolution
So Where Is Global Warming Now?
March 7, 2011
During February, Oklahoma was hit by a couple of major winter storms.
The university where I work was shut down for a total of six days over
the course of two work weeks. Many people wondered (and at least one
posed the question to me loudly), Where is global warming now?
Fair question. But it has two answers. First, it is somewhere else at
the moment. Second, it will be back.
You cannot just stick your head out the door and determine whether
global warming is happening or not. Weather is not climate. Cold
weather does not prove that there is no global warming, any more than
hot weather proves that there is. The evidence for global warming is
that, over many years and over the whole Earth, temperatures are
rising. They do not rise every year; global temperatures have leveled
off since 2000, perhaps because air pollution from industrial growth in
Asia is reflecting sunlight back into space. But since 1850, global
temperatures have clearly and dramatically risen. If global average
temperatures go back down over the next few decades, then we scientists
will have to re-evaluate our position.
Actually, this winter reminds me of 2006 and 2007. In 2006, I attended
the St. Louis meeting of AAAS in February. There were, as always, some
sessions about global warming. But the meetings took place during a
bitter winter storm. In 2007, the principal global warming activist,
Bill McKibben, kicked off a publicity campaign in April, right when a
huge arctic storm blew down over the whole country. I noted both of
these weather events in Chapter 3 of my book, Green
But something else happened in 2007. Remember that energy is neither
created nor destroyed. So if there is cold weather here, there must be
warmer weather somewhere else, eventually. And in 2007 that place was
the Arctic Ocean. Arctic sea ice has been melting steadily for decades.
But in 2007, there was a dramatic melting that took everyone by
surprise. Since 2007, Arctic sea ice has returned to its previous rate
of melting. I may speculate that the cold spring 2007 weather in the
United States compensated for the warm Arctic summer that same year.
And with that in mind, I make a prediction: that summer 2011 will have
significantly less Arctic sea ice. I may be wrong, but I am willing to
give it a try. Actually, Arctic temperatures are determined largely by
the temperature of the water that flows into the Arctic Ocean, and
according to an article just published in Science, that water
temperature is now higher than it has been anytime during the last two
millennia. Ocean temperatures do not change very rapidly. Nevertheless,
let us give my prediction a chance.
The Evolved Human Mind
March 13, 2011
In our species, intelligence is the most important adaptation. But our
intelligence is not logical; it is an emotional intelligence, as any
fan of Spock on Star Trek knows. Despite the amazing capacities
of human minds, our evolutionary legacy has limited them in a way that
may make us unable to respond adequately to our current crises such as
climate and economic collapse. Here are some examples. You can probably
think of a lot more.
First, our minds have an almost unlimited capacity for self-deception.
We see what we expect to see, and if reality and expectation do not
mesh, we accept the resulting cognitive dissonance. Even when we can
look ahead and see that our resources are running out, we can hardly
bring ourselves to conserve those resources. We will become frugal only
after disaster has struck. I thought of this as I drove past a tract of
huge houses, built in Tulsa during the housing bubble. Block after
block of them. This is what the buyers wanted, and they deceived
themselves that the national, and their personal, economies could grow
forever. Realtors would rather sell one big house than three small
houses -- less work for the same money. Nothing but a crash will get
people to become frugal. The good news is that, once the crash has
occurred, people are pretty good at frugality. We may not, however,
have a long enough transition period to reorder our lives into a
contented frugality.
Second, our minds continually readjust to current circumstances. This
is the "shifting baselines" phenomenon. My generation is probably the
last one to be richer than the preceding generation; people of my
daughter's generation cannot expect the kind of riches their families
had while they were growing up, and cannot expect to find jobs even if
they are qualified. The mindset has shifted to something more like
survival, and we are all beginning to feel that this is normal. We have
already almost forgotten about a world in which we could just go buy
things on credit and count on personal finances to slowly pay off the
Third, our minds are social; we will not act until society changes.
Despite the clear evidence that humans are causing global warming, and
despite the fact that most Americans (and even more citizens of other
countries) know this to be true, societal inertia has prevented
meaningful change. It will, as I said above, take a crash to get a
society to live frugally. A frugal life (we have to start thinking of
this as a good word) is the best, perhaps the only, way to reduce our
carbon emissions and disruptive climate collapse.
These mental characteristics worked fine in the Stone Age; but we must
transcend them today. Is this even possible?
essay also appeared on my evolution
Judgment of the Future
March 21, 2011
It is easy to pass judgment on the actions of people in the past. Let
me use an example that stirs the passions of most people: American
slavery. The issues of the middle of the nineteenth century seem so
clear to us: slavery was evil, and it needed to be ended immediately,
by force if necessary. Modern opinion completely confirms the
Abolitionist viewpoint held by, among others, Charles Darwin. To our
modern, oversimplified view, the alternative view was that espoused by
plantation owners: slaves are property, and our economic system cannot
survive without its basis of slave labor.
Slavery sends a chill into the hearts of modern observers. At a recent
display at the Gilcrease Museum in Tulsa, I saw an inventory of slaves
at an estate, with their monetary values. A ninety-year-old woman had
"no value." Fifty-year-old men were worth about $250. Twenty-year-old
men, strong and healthy, could fetch $500. And for reasons better
imagined than stated, a seventeen-year-old girl would fetch the highest
price of all, about $650. That was in 1848. By the late 1850s, a good
slave could sell for $1000. Big money back then. Most of us would
shudder to think that a monetary value could be placed upon us. The
slave-owners were not always cruel to their slaves; in fact, each slave
was a big investment, and a southern gentleman would be no more likely
to abuse a slave than to abuse an expensive car -- which means, some of
them did, but not always. Nevertheless, modern thought regards
slave-owners as absolutely evil, and abolitionists as pure.
But it was not so clear back in the day. There was a third alternative,
embraced most famously by Thomas Jefferson. Since slaves represented
such a big investment, many owners (including the cash-strapped
Jefferson) could not afford to release them, especially since he would
have to also, by law, find employment for them. This viewpoint aspired
to a gradual improvement of slave conditions, to a point where they
could undergo a transition to becoming indentured servants. We might
call this the gradual-abolitionist view. But most modern people have
little tolerance for this view. Gradual abolitionists get lumped in
with the other slave-owners.
People of the future will look back on us and condemn us for leading
the world into the disaster of climate instability and global warming.
There are those of us, such as Bill McKibben and myself, who say that
we should reduce our carbon emissions now. We are the carbon
abolitionists. And there are the conservatives who say we should just
keep on burning as much fossil fuel as we like, and maybe God will
clean up the mess. They are the carbon slave-drivers. And then there
are the compromisers, who say that we should reduce our carbon
emissions sometime in the future, maybe after the recession is over, or
after they have made their fortunes; let the next generation do it.
History will lump the compromisers together with the brazen polluters.
Descendants of slaves demand reparations from families and corporations
that built their wealth on slavery. They are right. And in the future,
those who suffer from climate disruption will demand reparations from
corporations that are now polluting the most and individuals who are
brazenly lying about global warming by claiming that it is not
happening. Global warming deniers will be seen as just as evil as the
man who wrote an anti-Uncle-Tom's-Cabin book (also on display at the
Gilcrease) and claimed that the slaves were all happy "darkies" who
just loved their plantations. Future generations will demand
reparations from the estate of Rush Limbaugh. And I hope they get it.
Much good may it do any of the people still on the Earth at that time.
The views expressed in this essay are similar to those expressed in the
September 6, 2008 essay,
How Dark Was My Valley
March 28, 2011
A colleague of mine owns a little valley of land outside of town where,
a couple of years ago, there was virtually no light pollution, and we
were able to behold the Milky Way in full splendor. For a couple of
years thereafter, we did not go, because I had broken my boyhood
telescope. Recently I bought a new telescope and we returned at night
to this valley. We could see the Milky Way, but it was a dull blotch in
a sky that was not truly dark, despite the absence of the Moon. We
could see Jupiter and a couple of the Galilean moons just fine, but we
could have done this from a yard in town. The impressive darkness of
the valley had vanished in just a couple of years.
This was no doubt due to a building boom in our city. Although it is in
rural Oklahoma, Durant is on an important highway where new motels are
sprouting, and there is a really big Indian casino that just keeps
getting bigger. City financiers would say that life was getting better
in Durant -- despite the recession that hit many other areas.
But the light that polluted the sky was not light that was helping to
make life any better. The light that pollutes the sky is wasted light,
because it goes straight up into the sky rather than down to the ground
where it can help us see the roads or buildings or possible dangers. It
can be reasonably argued that our right to see the Milky Way is not
great enough to interfere with economic growth -- but wasting
electricity by sending light straight up into the sky is not economic
growth. It is Earth out of balance.
After glancing at the tepid Milky Way, and at Jupiter, we had to leave
quickly anyway. We heard wild hogs nearby, which can and do attack and
injure people. This, too, is an example of Earth out of balance, for
they are not native animals. They are feral hogs, escaped long ago from
pigpens, having reverted to all wild ways but one: they have no fear of
humans, particularly of little people quickly carrying a telescope back
to their car.