Previous Events in 2009
Tulsa, March 28-31, 2009: Science Without Boundaries
On March 28-31, the Southwest and Rocky Mountain Section of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) met at the University of Tulsa. There were numerous papers, symposia, and workshops. Among the highlights were: (1) A presentation by famous science writer Carl Zimmer, Sunday evening the 29th; (2) An evolution symposium, Tuesday afternoon the 31st. The symposium was organized by Stanley Rice and focused on the way Darwinian thought has transformed several disciplines, each represented by a speaker from either University of Oklahoma or University of Tulsa.
Oklahoma City, Feb. 13, 2009: Darwin Across the Disciplines
Stan Rice appeared in costume as Charles
Darwin at the University of Oklahoma meeting, Darwin
Across the Disciplines, at the Sam
Noble Museum of Natural History, Friday, February 13. In a morning
session he presented "Why Darwinian Thought is Essential in Science
Education." Stan has previously appeared in costume for presentations
at Southeastern Oklahoma State University, The University of Tulsa, The
University of Central Oklahoma, Harvard Avenue Christian Church
(Tulsa), and Fellowship Congregational Church (Tulsa).