January-March 2008
Green Peace
Listen to the Forest
As Interesting as Watching Grass Grow
April-June 2008
South With the Spring
Somebody Oughta Invent a Machine...
The Quiet Stand of Alders
Saving the Environment—For Whom?
July-September 2008
Welcome to the Republican climate!
Goodbye, From the World’s Biggest Polluter!
Yes, Virginia...
Consider the Lilies
Small Acts
America the Glutton
Looking for a Few Good Conservatives
October-December 2008
A Good Time to be a Vulture
A State of Embarrassment
Just for Money?
Shoot Something Furry
Conservatives Are Nature-worshippers
The Real World
On the Brink of Collapse
Winter Sleep
January-March 2009
The Inspiration of Science
February 12, 2009: An Important Date
The Sabbath of the Earth
Cottonwood Investments
Witness Trees
The Fundamental Problem
April-June 2009
The End of Altruism
A Lovers’ Embrace?
We Can Afford Environmental Protection
Dividing Up the World
If Humans Vanished...
July-September 2009
Henry David Thoreau, Prophet and Scientist
Nature and Language
The Olive Tree
An Artificial Future
Resurgence Of Racism In the South
Mere Consumers
You Are an Ecosystem
October-December 2009
Childhood Experiences With Nature
Be Conscious of Image
Not for Profit?
Absurd Creativity
Fiscal Responsibility -- In Plants
January-March 2010
Christians Burning Bibles?
A Beautiful Mind
Deep Time and Deep Intestines
Facing Uncomfortable Truths
What Will It Take?
The Evolution of Spite
April-June 2010
Populations, Evolution, and the Census
My Neighbors’ Earth
Spring, a Time of Renewal
Trying to Interfere with Natural Selection
Putting Us In Our Place
July-September 2010
Global Warming—It’s Happening Now
Green Is the New Green
Weedy Religions
Darwin, Science, and Bias
October-December 2010
The Consecrated
Optimism and Hope
The Legacy of Michael Crichton
No Political Hope
The Reality of Collapse
Walking in the Woods with Mahler
The Illusion of Plenty
Degrees of Freedom
Social Darwinist Preachers
The Fundamental Cause of Global Warming
I Humbly Suggest that Scientists Should Rule the World
January-March 2011
Peace Be Unto You
Do Republican Leaders Hate God's Creation?
A Christian View of Creation
Biodiversity, Part One
Biodiversity, Part Two
Biodiversity, Part Three
Biodiversity, Part Four
The Capacity for Evil
So Where Is Global Warming Now?
The Evolved Human Mind
How Dark Was My Valley
April-July 2011
Oath Upon the Earth
The Long Emergency
The Dangerous Conservative Viewpoint
Cottonwood Investments, Part 2
Disruptive Energy
Biodiversity and Noah's Ark: The
Solution You've Been Waiting For
Built to Last
How to Reduce Our Impact on the Earth
July-September 2011
Where Have All the Scarecrows Gone?
Less Hope Now than Ever?
You Can’t Do Just One Thing
Our Great Big Opportunity
What Rick Perry Thinks About Science
The Murder of Altruism?
How I Spent September 11
A Celebration of Evolutionary Science
October-December 2011
Republican States: Socialist Beneficiaries of Big Government Altruism?
Dinosaur Prints
The Quiet Stand of Alders: Wildfire and Recovery
So What Has Changed Since 2008?
A Revolutionary Vision
Home Sweet Home
Beauty and Survival
Laboratory Earth
Warm Winter Thoughts
January-March 2012
The Evolution of a New Economy?
In Memory of Lynn Margulis
Equilibrium Economy?
Exuberant Chaos
Altruism: The Third Alternative for Ecology and Evolution
Appealing to the Basest Instincts
April-June 2012
Some Species Will Love Global Warming
Emergent Properties and Human Creativity: Boy, Do They Emerge!
Evotour 2012: Part One, Eclipse of the Sun
Evotour 2012: Part Two, The Transit of Venus
July - September 2012
What Do You Do When Global Warming Strikes? Kick Someone’s Bee-hind
The Armageddon Mindset